
At RevelX we partner with companies who are serious about their long term survival and innovation. Continuous innovation is the source for sustainable business growth.

In this age of continuous challenges and disruption companies must treat innovation as a core business process and integral part of their corporate and growth strategies.

We share the best practices of innovation champions, derived from many years of being active in the field of management consulting, startup and scaleup coaching and of course building and executing growth strategies.

The importance of Innovation software, an interview with the cofounder of RevelX Partner Qmarkets

In this podcast, we interview Senior Vice President & Co-Founder of Qmarkets Michael Stilger about innovation and how to further professionalize innovation by using best in class end to end innovation management software. We will also elaborate on the deep collaboration between RevelX and Qmarkets and the benefits this brings to our clients.

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Het sportieve èn maatschappelijke belang van sportinnovatie

In this podcast, RevelX Partners Matthijs Rosman and René Jongen talk with SportInnovator's Merit Clocquet and Harry Van Dorenmalen where they delve into innovations in elite sports as well as how innovation can address sedentary lifestyles in society at large.

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Technologische innovatie bij KLM BlueLabs

In this episode, RevelX Partner Matthijs Rosman sat down with the Director of Technical Innovation at KLM BlueLabs, Fleur van Staaveren, to talk about Innovation at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and the creation of its technology innovation hub BlueLabs.

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Corporate Venturing

In this first RevelX podcast we will explain what Corporate Venturing is and why it should be part of you overall innovation mix.

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